The meaning of meditation – For me, For Us.. For ALL OF US

Have you ever sat in a room which is full of noise – yet you feel disconnected with the noise – but content with your own thoughts. Was your answer a yes – then my friend you are not in love but as I call it, you can feel free in your own company… in other words… YOU CAN BE AT PEACE WITH YOURSELF. Now here we definitely don’t want- Sociopaths but what is important here to realize is that if in a room full of noise – one is not disturbed by the noise… and is content, one could already be on the path of meditation.

In a world where we have excess of everything – thoughts, tings, information, misinformation…we should try to not be overstimulated by these thoughts, things, information, misinformation, instead focus on what we really need. Now the question is, what do we really need – we need food, water, shelter and clothes, anything beyond this is a fortune that we have.

Now it is up to us how do we realize this fortune. The fine balance of finding your peace, while being with all the distractions, yet disconnecting yourself from that distraction and finding yourself is what meditation is to me.

Meditation is one of the purest methods of walking onto the path of YOG. It feeds your mind, body and soul. It helps you feel content and connected with what actually matters

And then as it goes on – we understand that the beauty lies in the eyes of only those… who have truly realized.

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